Friday, January 31, 2025

The Man From Beyond down under

Houdini's The Man From Beyond was released in Australia in January 1923. To exhibit the film, Houdini struck a deal with Australasian Films. Below is a selection of newspaper ads from that release that feature some original artwork. 

Newcastle Herald and Miners Advocate, Feb. 24, 1923

The Sun News Pictorial, Mar. 9, 1923.

The Mail, Jan. 27, 1923

Amusingly, at least one theater got the name wrong, as you can see below.

The Propeller, March 2, 1923.

When the film played in New South Wales later in the year, it appeared under the banner of Master Pictures. I'm unsure if Master Pictures was the same as Australasian Films or a new distributor altogether. This ad uses the Master Pictures logo as its key art.

Maryborough Chronicle, July 25, 1923.

Hope you enjoyed this taste of The Man From Beyond down under.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Harry Kellar head that once belonged to Houdini?

Here's one that has me scratching my head. Is this Harry Kellar? Is it Houdini? Did it belong to Houdini? Is it worth anywhere near what Antiques Roadshow valued it at? Check it out below. The magician here is AnnaRose.

This does resemble a head that would used in a spirit cabinet routine. At first, I hoped it was Houdini's spirit head, but it's not a match. Nor is it Kellar's Blue Room illusion head that Houdini owned and kept atop his "magic bookcase."

Houdini spirit head and Kellar Blue Room bust.

I've thrown this out to the experts on the Magic Collectors' Corner Facebook group, and there seems to be general skepticism about this being Kellar. For starters, this head has hair!

Speaking of the Magic Collectors' Corner, Lance and David are back this Sunday with a new Winter Special episode. If you love collecting or magic history, these shows are a must! They are free and open to all.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Art of Escape by Trier Ward

The Art of Escape by Trier Ward is a book of poetry exploring themes of escape. It includes illustrations by Taryann Di'Nnovati of various escape artists in action, including Houdini. Below is a description.

The art of escape is all about survival...with a flourish of style.

Trier Ward is an artist working in both style and substance. She is a survivor and a first hand witness. She's always had a key or two purloined and hidden away, and she reveals them in this collection. Join the poet as she opens her heart and speaks through the wind, down dead-end roads and through bedroom windows.

This collection from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Indie press Hercules Publishing isn't only a testament of one woman's perennial state of escape and renewal, it also shares the songs of the sirens out there, calling to each of us, through the canyons and coastlines of life, even when the calls are coming from inside our own hearts. Maybe then, especially.

Ohio artist Taryann Di'Nnovati's illustrations pay homage to the world and wonder of actual, literal, escape artists through the years and provide a powerful compliment and connection to Ward's masterful confessional poetics.

Trier Ward's experiences will resonate with any reader, with any survivor, with any escape artist.

You can purchase The Art of Escape by Trier Ward at and

Thanks to our friend Dayle Krall, "The Houdini Girl," who also appears in the book.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Houdini vs. Houdini

Speaking of music videos, check out the nominations for the Best Music Video at the 2025 iHeartRadio Music Awards. Yes, we have TWO videos called "Houdini" in competition. Houdini by Eminem and Houdini by Dua Lipa.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Zabrecky conjures OUR MAGIC

Check out this terrific video by magician and musician Rob Zabrecky. It starts off with Houdini and continues with other magic masters and some pretty wild imagery. I love it! Watch it below or on YouTube.

You can pre-order OUR MAGIC as a 7-inch record from In The Red Records.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Houdini, Frank Tate, and a $5 bill

Harry Houdini and Frank Tate

Here's a well-done video from HEC and historian Andrew Wanko about Houdini in St. Louis and Columbia theater manager Frank R. Tate, who famously told the Handcuff King, "You are not worth a five dollar bill to me."

I can add some more context to this unique time in Houdini's career. Houdini returned to America in 1905 and had been drawing large audiences and creating a sensation on the big-time Keith's vaudeville circuit. In 1907, he told his friend Dr. Waitt in Boston that he didn't want to do another tour of Keith's theaters "as I would like to give it a rest so as not to weary the public." Instead, he started making plans to return to Germany, where he hadn't appeared in three years.

However, Keith's made him an offer he couldn't refuse, $70,000 for 40 weeks, and he went back on tour. By early 1908, as feared, there were signs that audiences were tiring of him. Several managers, including Tate, took notice. The Milk Can helped, but it did not entirely solve the problem of escape fatigue in some cities. Houdini completed his tour and left for Europe. He would not play the U.S. for another three years.

Frank Tate died in 1934. As the video shows, his grave is located in the Bellefontaine Cemetery in North St. Louis. I'm looking forward to visiting St. Louis someday and visiting some of the Houdini sites. When I do, I plan to lay a five-dollar bill on the steps of Manager Tate's mausoleum.

Want more? You can view research related to Houdini's 1908 appearance in St. Louis as a "Scholar" member of my Patreon below. Included here is an original Columbia Theater program from the Fred Pittella Collection featuring the first advertisement for Houdini's Milk Can.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

LINK: Houdini monument in ruin

A marker commemorating Houdini's historic flight in Australia is currently lying in pieces along Holden Road in Diggers Rest. The cause of the damage is unknown. The monument was erected in 1990 to celebrate “80 Years of Flight.” You can read a full report by David O'Conner at by clicking the headline or the image below.

A second monument to Houdini's flight, erected in 2010, stands at Old Calder Highway, Stan Payne Reserve, in Diggers Rest.

Below is the marker as it stood. Here's hoping it will be restored.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A.I. finally gets Houdini right and... Wow!

A.I. images of Houdini have been generally awful. However, an article today on the website has A.I. images that finally get Houdini right. VERY right. I mean, wow! I also like that the website credits these as "AI images," which I think is the correct and ethical thing to do.

The top image shows Houdini in Masonic robes. However, this is Houdini circa 1917, and Houdini didn't become a Mason until 1923 when he looked somewhat different. But that's nitpicking. I'm pretty impressed with this, and I see now how A.I. opens the door to seeing images of Houdini that would otherwise not be possible. Houdini in the Hodgson restraints. Houdini tied to a canon. Houdini in the Sangow. Houdini smashing up the Houdina Co. Of course, a talented artist could do the same thing.

As far as A.I. generated Houdini facts go... Yeah, still terrible.


Monday, January 20, 2025

The Man From Beyond haunts Hollywood in 1971

Here's a treat I discovered this weekend. In August 1971, a double feature of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and The Man From Beyond played at The Bijou Theatre on Hollywood Blvd. Both films featured "sound accompaniment" and a magic show by "the master of the magic lamp, Jim Christopher."

While The Man From Beyond (and The Master Mystery) would occasionally screen at the nearby Silent Movie Theater on Fairfax, it's cool to see it playing on Hollywood Blvd. Also, check out the terrific illustrated ad from the Los Angeles Times. This is an uncommon photo of Houdini, and even more so in 1971!

Advertisement for The Man From Beyond in the The Los Angeles Times showing Houdini kneeling with open handcuffs..
The Los Angeles Times, Aug. 20, 1971.

Around this time, Houdini collector Manny Weltman was selling 8mm and 16mm prints of The Man From Beyond. I wonder if this print was rented from Manny? That might also explain where they got the photo.

The Bijou stood just a few blocks from Grauman's Chinese Theater. It started as an adult film theater in 1969 called the Athena and later the Avon. In 1971, it reopened as a 16mm revival house under the Bijou name. It played an assortment of classic films before turning back into an adult film theater in 1974.

In the photo below, you can see the round sign and arrow that points to the Bijou's entrance. This pic comes from a terrific overview of the Bijou at Los Angeles Theaters. I recommend checking it out.

This was still a few years before my Houdini awakening, but oh how I would have loved to have attended one of these showings!

I also discovered that The Man From Beyond appeared on television in 1980. But that's a story I'll save for another time.


Friday, January 17, 2025

Deconstructing Houdini '53: Vanishing Act

Continuing my scene-by-scene dissection of Houdini (1953). Last time, Houdini escaped from an icy grave, only to learn that death had claimed his beloved mother. Now, the aftermath...

Deconstructing Houdini '53 by John Cox
Chapter 20: Vanishing Act

Houdini (1953) covers Houdini's involvement with spiritualism with great efficiency. It occupies only eight minutes of the movie's 1:46 runtime (starting spookily at 1:26). But I don't think you'll ever hear the complaint that there is too little. I think the mistake later biopics make is spending too much time in this part of his life, even devoting entire films to it (Death Defying Acts). Also, Houdini (1953) is about Houdini's dueling relationships with his wife and magic, and the sooner we get back to that main theme, the better.

However, Houdini's foray into Spiritualism is an important part of his story, so it needs to be here. Therefore, screenwriter Philip Yordan gives it to us in a single entertaining sequence, which we will cover over the next two installments.

We begin in the newspaper offices of The Observer. On an unfinished page, we see the question: "What's become of Houdini?" There's a treat here for Houdini buffs in that the photo of Tony Curtis on this page is a recreation of the famed 1903 photo of Houdini in loincloth and chains. Gotta love it!

Simms (Douglas Spencer), the reporter from the suspended straitjacket scene, enters the office. His editor (Lewis Martin) shows him the page and asks, "Why should a man at the height of his career drop out of sight for two whole years?" Simms explains, "After his mother died, he went into seclusion and wouldn't see anyone, not even me." The editor says, "A man like that can't be doing nothing. Find out what it is."

It's true that Houdini canceled his tour after his mother died. He was booked to play Scandinavia, but news of his mother's death sent him home to New York. It's also true Houdini went into seclusion after his mother's death. But it was only for a month. Tour commitments in France forced him back to Europe. So the movie is taking a pretty big liberty by making it two years. But the extended time also creates a greater mystery. What IS Houdini doing?

We dissolve to Simms standing outside 278, er, I mean, 273, as the filmmakers renumbered Houdini's New York home. He sees Harry, Bess, and Otto exit the house and approaches them. Houdini looks both serious and aged, with his temples very noticeably grey now. He tries to evade the reporter, saying that they have an appointment. But Simms says, "Hey, you owe me. I was the only reporter who covered your straitjacket escape. Remember?" Harry does remember and invites him into the car.

Houdini's car appears to be a circa 1924 Springfield Rolls-Royce Phantom I with a limousine body by Brewster. (Thanks to David Charvet for the identification.) Exactly what kind of car Houdini used in New York at this time isn't known, although it is accurate to show Houdini being chauffeured as he rarely drove in later life. If the filmmakers wanted to be more accurate and provide a nice easter egg, they could have given him a Packard Straight Eight, which is a car Houdini used during his spiritualism lecture tour.

In the car, Houdini explains to Simms that he has spent the last two years trying to communicate with his deceased mother. If there is a hereafter, there must be a way to reach it. "There is. By dying," quips Simms. "That closes the door. I want to open it," says Harry. The idea that Houdini sees death as just another barrier that he can unlock is a nice one. And for Harry Houdini, nothing is "impossible." (As to the truth of all this, I'll tackle that in the next installment, or you can read this.)

For all my admiration of the technical aspects of this film, this is one scene in which a technical flaw causes real distraction. The back projection through the car window shows a New York that appears to be from the 1890s instead of the 1920s. You see horse-drawn carriages and women in turn-of-the-century dress. But what is worse is the back projection loops, visibly jump-cutting back to the start. I didn't notice this the first time I watched the movie, but now I can't stop seeing it. And you won't be able to either. Sorry!

Houdini explains that tonight they "are going to try again" and invites Simms to come along. Simms looks a little nervous and starts to make excuses. Bess prods him with, "You're not afraid, are you, Mr. Simms?" Simms clearly is afraid, but he reluctantly agrees to go along and experience Houdini's strange new world.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

What's become of Houdini?

That's the question on everyone's mind! Tomorrow you will find out as we begin the fourth and final year of Deconstructing Houdini '53.

In this series, I dissect the 1953 Houdini biopic scene by scene to show how it is far more accurate and rooted in Houdini history than it is generally given credit. I began this series in 2021 and have so far clocked 19 chapters. I'm on track to complete the series in November, which will mark the 50th anniversary of my seeing the movie for the first time.

You can catch up on all the past installments or just have a look at your favorite scene HERE.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Haunted Mystery of Waterbury's Palace Theatre

Here is a very well-researched video from Dr. Daryn Reyman-Lock at the Barnum Museum exploring the story of Shirley the Elephant and Houdini's connection to the Palace Theater in Waterbury, Connecticut. I'll let you discover it yourself by clicking below.

Be sure to give the video a Like. For more, check out the Barnum Museum on YouTube and its official website. After all, Houdini was an admirer of Barnum!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Houdini: The Ultimate Trivia Compendium

Our friend Joe Hernandez, author of Magic Babylon, has released a new book, Houdini: The Ultimate Trivia Compendium. Below is the description.

This comprehensive book offers an in-depth exploration of the life and legacy of Harry Houdini, the legendary magician and escape artist. It is filled with fascinating facts, engaging stories, and intriguing anecdotes, making it an essential read for anyone interested in magic, history, or the performing arts. The book invites readers to discover Houdini's extraordinary career, groundbreaking illusions, and the secrets behind his most daring escapes. Whether you are a magician in training, a history enthusiast, or simply a fan of the theatrical arts, this book provides a captivating journey through the mind of one of the most remarkable performers of all time, leaving you both informed and entertained.

To commemorate Houdini's 150th birthday anniversary, Joe Hernandez—an accomplished magician and devoted Houdini enthusiast—brings the man behind the magic to life. His passion and expertise shine through on every page, promising to entertain while providing a deeper understanding of one of the greatest performers ever. This compendium is not just a collection of trivia but a captivating exploration of mastery, determination, and the relentless pursuit of the extraordinary. The book promises to entertain and inform with each page, leaving you excited to explore its content with over 208 photographs.

You can purchase Houdini: The Ultimate Trivia Compendium at in paperback and hardcover. Joe tells me he will also be releasing a limited edition hardcover with a different cover (below). Watch his soon-to-launch website or his Facebook for more info.

UPDATE: The limited hardcover with the alternate cover is now available on Amazon.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Houdini & Me 2025 by Trudy Monti

Last year, our friend Trudy Monti released My Magic Moments, a journaling book with magic history highlights recorded on each calendar day.

This year Houdini takes the spotlight in Houdini & Me 2025. This new journal features 399 historical Houdini events. So when you enter your own events, Houdini & Me becomes Houdini & YOU.

You can buy Houdini & Me 2025 on and If you'd like a signed copy, you can contact Trudy at or PM her on Facebook.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Los Angeles fires temporarily threaten Magic Castle

By now, I'm sure everyone is aware of the catastrophic brush fires ravaging Los Angeles. Last night, a new fire erupted in the Hollywood Hills. Called the Sunset Fire, both the Magic Castle and the Houdini Estate fell within the evacuation zone. For a time, the Magic Castle appeared under serious threat and was being wetted down. However, this morning, the evacuation order has been lifted. Randy Pitchford posted the following on his social media:

The Magic Castle was under threat, but appears it will be safe thanks to the heroic efforts by some Magic Castle heroes and the LAFD. It was touch and go for awhile, but we survived (another) fire! The LAFD is welcome to use our parking lot for staging the fight all night.

The Houdini Estate marked the literal edge of the evacuation zone and appears to have never been seriously threatened.

Houdini Estate inside the red zone.

Also safe are our good friends Mike Caveney and Tina Lenert at Egyptian Hall Museum in Pasadena, although the area remains under an evacuation warning.

The news is not so good from the other fires that are still raging. However, the Santa Ana winds have died down, so let's hope this helps firefighters get these horrible blazes under control. For those who have asked, I'm safe here at WILD ABOUT HARRY headquarters.


Monday, January 6, 2025

Houdini & Doyle S.A.M. banquet footage appears like magic

There was a fair amount of Houdini excitement over the holidays, but nothing more exciting than this. If you watched the PBS series Lucy Worsley's Holmes vs. Doyle, you saw rare footage of Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle at the 18th Annual S.A.M. banquet at the McAlpin Hotel in New York on June 2, 1922. I knew footage was shot at this banquet and hoped it would one day surface. Now it has!

Not only did we get to see Houdini, Bess, Sir Arthur, and Lady Doyle at their dinner table, but there's also footage of Howard Thurston, Horace Goldin, Max Malini, Carl Rosini, and Houdini on-stage magically producing their wives from a large cloth. Wow!

It's likely the production acquired this footage from a stock footage house. There are several listed in the credits. However, a search of their websites turned up nothing. It's also possible this came from the Doyle estate. Whichever the case, there may be more than what we see here!

I ran a moving picture, taken at the banquet, and if you desire a copy, I shall be pleased to let you have one. It is a remarkably good picture of Lady Doyle, and you have a very amused expression on your face as if you were in a good humor—and I hope you were!
- Houdini to Conan Doyle, June 1922.

If you missed the series, you can watch it for a limited time on the PBS website. The Houdini footage appears in S1 E3: Shadows and Sleuths. You can also buy the series on Amazon. For those in the UK, you can watch the series on the BBC iPlayer under the title Killing Sherlock: Lucy Worsley on the Case of Conan Doyle.

You can also view the footage and read MUM's report on the banquet as a member of my Patreon. Just click below.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Diary book update updated

At the start of last year, I gave an update on the Houdini diary book, in which I assured readers it would be a 2024 release.

Well, it wasn't.

I'm learning a lot about book production, and one of the things I've learned is it takes longer than expected. But the reason for the delay is the book has grown into something much larger and more ambitious than initially planned. How does a pocket-sized 70-page diary become a 400-page coffee table book? You'll find out!

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, Mike Caveney's Magic Words is publishing Houdini's first known travel diary from the collection of Dr. Bruce Averbook. I have annotated the diary and gathered many rare images from several major collections to illustrate it. The talented Michael Allbright, who does all the design work for the Magic Castle, is designing the book.

Last year, I revealed the title at the Magic Collector Expo, Escaping Obscurity: The Travel Diary of Harry Houdini 1897-1899, and gave a major preview of the book at MAGIC Live. I also shared the prototype cover on my Patreon.

So what about the release date? The good news is Michael has finished a draft, and we are fine-tuning it before entering the final production stages. Printing can take several months, so that's the wild card. I don't want to again promise something that I can't deliver, but I don't see how this isn't a 2025 release. It better be! I'm well into my next book, and we don't want a log jam of Houdini books, do we?

Wait, a log jam of Houdini books sounds pretty great!

Thanks for your continued patience. As I said last year, it will be worth the wait!

Friday, January 3, 2025

Houdini comes out swinging

Houdini spent much of 1924 making his case against the practices of fraudulent spirit mediums as an author, scholar, and lecturer. But at the start of 1925, he came out swinging as a skeptic, crusader, and showman. He went from puffing a pipe to breathing fire! It started with an exposure of "Margery" at Symphony Hall in Boston on January 2nd and 3rd. Houdini told his audience, "This is not only a lecture, but a very important night in my life."

Below are some clippings related to Houdini's important night.

Symphony Hall in Boston still stands today and doesn't look all that different from how it looked when Houdini took the stage one hundred years ago.

Want more? You can read a detailed account of Houdini's Symphony Hall exposure as a "Scholar" member of my Patreon.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Welcome to a WILD new year

Let's kick off 2025 with a New Year puzzle from Red Magic that appeared 100 years ago. 1925 was an exciting year for Houdini, and I think 2025 will be an exciting one for us. There will be several new books, at least one major play, and some significant centenaries. So let's go wild!
