Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Buried beside Houdini?

Here's an odd one. The insurance company Choice Mutual asked more than 3,100 people if they could be buried next to any celebrity, who would they choose. Houdini came in at #43 between Robert F. Kennedy and Bette Davis. He was the only magician to make the list.

For the record, Houdini's mother is buried beside him in Machpelah Cemetery in Queens.

So who's the lucky stiff at #1? Elvis, of course!

You can dig into the entire list at Choice Mutual.

Monday, February 3, 2025

GENII gets a magical makeover

You may have noticed that the February GENII magazine is sporting an all-new look. That's because this is the first issue under the new stewardship of our friends Julie Eng and Jim Steinmeyer. I'm very excited about this new era as I know both Jim and Julie have a great love of magic history. 

To mark the occasion, I've put together a PDF of all the Houdini (and Hardeen) Genii covers from my own collection. It's cool to see how the magazine has evolved and celebrated Houdini over its 89-year history. I'm offering it as this month's free Patreon reward. You can uncover it by clicking below.

Might we see a new Houdini cover from the new team? Well...

You can subscribe to GENII via their website: geniimagazine.com. Also, keep an eye on their all-new space: geniimagic.com

