Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Ghost Adventures goes in search of Houdini

Check out this promo for the upcoming season of the popular Ghost Adventures. Zak Bagans and the gang are going in search of Houdini at the historic Winchester Mystery House.

Prepare for the most intense season yet. Ghosts, witches, and a historic séance with a blood relative of Houdini. This is uncharted territory. A new season of #GhostAdventures Wednesday, April 16 on Discovery!

You can see that our friend George Hardeen is part of the action. I also traveled to San Jose to participate in the investigation. I'm not sure if I made the final cut, but we'll see. Did we encounter any spirits? You'll have to tune in for the answer!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the notice. Hope you make the cut!

