Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Houdini Lincoln cover story in Skeptical Inquirer

The March/April 2025 issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine has a cover story by Jason Emerson about how spiritualists tried to claim President Lincoln as a believer and Houdini's role in debunking that. This one is a must buy just for the awesome cover art!

You can read or listen to the article HERE, or pick up a print edition in stores. To subscribe visit the Skeptical Inquirer website.

I suspect this subject will be covered in greater detail in the upcoming book, Lincoln's Ghost: Houdini's War on Spiritualism and the Dark Conspiracy Against the American Presidency by Brad Ricca. You can pre-order that book now on and Release date is October 28.

1 comment:

  1. Should be an interesting read. I'll have to check, but there was supposed to be seances (either in or out of The White House) desired by Mary Lincoln and she and at times, her husband attended them.
    Attending seances doesn't make a person a "believer" anymore than attending any religious/alternative practice makes one a believer.
    If he did, Lincoln may have sat with mediums at the request of Mary and/or he did so to check it out and protect his then very vunerable/troubled wife.
