Monday, March 17, 2025

Latest dynamite from the Houdinarian Society

Dr. Larrian Gillespie at the Houdinarian Society website is continuing to do some groundbreaking research into the details of Houdini's final illness. As a trained surgeon and keen historian, Dr. Gillespie sees details in the record that have been missed, and she is making some dynamite deductions. But don't take my word for it; just click the images below and have a read for yourself!


  1. The article regarding the photo of Houdini laying within his glass lid box to me is conclusive. I have gone back and forth whether this was a photo of the Summerfield stunt or Houdini post death for years. Perry from NJ.

    1. I'm the idiot who first raised the possibility of it being the Summerfield test, and I wish I hadn't. I've believed for some time that this could only be a dead person, and Larrian has clinched it for me.

