Sources & acknowledgements

Here at WILD ABOUT HARRY, I use a variety of sources in my research and blog posts (apart from my own collection). I always try to credit primary sources in the posts themselves, but there is still a wide variety of sources that I regularly pull from that don't always get credit. Below is a list of those databases, institutions, and individuals that have repeatedly proven invaluable.

Museums, Libraries, and Research Centers:

Online Databases:

Online Photo & Film Archives:


Thanks to the following collectors, researchers, and fellow travelers for their support and contributions:
Johan Ahlberg, Michelle Ainsworth, Stan Allen, Niroshana Anandasabapathy, Bruce Averbook, David Barsky, Karl Bartoni, Colleen Bak, David Ben, John Bengtson, Benjilini, Jim Bentley, Chris Berry, Steven Bingen, Gay Blackstone, Jeffrey Blood, Marie Blood, Tom Boldt, Matthew Bradford, Joshua Brandon, Bill Bremer, Michael Bricker, Dick Brookz, Cynthia von Buhler, David Byron, John Cannon, Mark Cannon, Shelia Cannon, Simon Carmel, Dean Carnegie, Richard Carradine, Mario Carrandi, Michael Cartellone, Jason Castlebury, Mike Caveney, Narinder Chadda, David Charvet, Eric Colleary, Kristen Connolly, Kevin Connolly, David Copperfield, Jack Coray, Sammy Cortino, Sally Costik, Lisa Cousins, Richard Crawford, Don Creekmore, Jim Criswell, Patrick Culliton, Michael Curran, Janet Davis, Lauren Davies, Edwin A. Dawes, Jonathan Deiss, Dorothy Dietrich, Diego Domingo, Sean Doran, Beverley Draggon, Roger Dreyer, Mike Elizalde, Julie Eng, Thomas Ewing, Katherine Factor, Gabe Fajuri, Tom Frueh, Joe Fox, John Gaughan, Adam Glass, Bruce Gold, Bill Goodwin, Sean Von Gorman, Keith Gray, Charles Greene III, James Hamilton, Lisa Hansen, Mick Hanzlik, George Hardeen, David Haversat, Steffen Heinrich, Joy Hennig, Leonard Hevia, Keli Hindenach, John Hinson, Aron Houdini, Harry Houdini, Joseph Hanosek, Joseph Holland, Mark Horowitz, Duffy Hudson, Ron Hutchinson, Gary Hunt, Jay Hunter, Tom Interval, David Jaher, William Kalush, Todd Karr, Richard Kaufman, Victoria Kelly, Chris Kenner, Michael Khanchalian, Jim Klodzen, Leo Kostka, Frank Koval, Dayle Krall, Michelle Ann Kratts, Heather Lacki, Erika Larsen, Milt Larsen, Aimee LePelley, Julie Perlin Lee, Misty Lee, Jay Leslie, Daniel Llewelyn-Willams, David London, Bob Loomis, Mark Lyons, Bruce MacNab, Melissa Martin, Karen Mann, Alec Mathieson, Max Maven, Neil McNally, David Merlini, David Mink, Ron Mondz, Arthur Moses, David J. Muller, Bill Mullins, José Luis Nazar, Joe Notaro, Deborah Noyes, Tara O'Grady, Tom Ogden, Jon Oliver, Vivianne Perret, Jessica Jane Peterson, Fred Pittella, Massimo Polidoro, Joe Posnanski, Leona Preston, Marco Pusterla, Bill Radner, Sidney Radner, William Rauscher, Jim Rawlins, Perry Reed, Lance Rich, Chuck Romano, Chip Romero, Rebecca Rosenberg, David Saltman, Jack Sanders, David Sandy, Rick Schmidlin, Richard Sherry, John Sherwood, Kenneth Silverman, Gene Franklin Smith, Sammy Smith, Whitt Smith, Robert Somerdin, Barry Spector, Athena Stamos, Margaret Steel, Adam Steinfeld, Jim Steinmeyer, David Sullivan, Jamy Ian Swiss, Charles Tabesh, Derek Tait, Allan Taylor, Rebecca Taylor, Teller, Bruce Thomson, Anna Thurlow, Vincent Toms, Kenneth Trombly, Christine U'Ren, Bullet Valmont, Brian Verkuylen, Marc Wanamaker, Lance Watsky, Glenda Wellendorf, Scott Wells, C.E.L. Welsh, Michael Weston, Mark Willoughby, Dan Witkowski, Casey Wong, Roger Woods, Meir Yedid, Brian Young, Rob Zabrecky, Paul Zenon, Stacey Zimmerman, Jessica Zumberge.

I'm still in the process of building this page, so if I've inadvertently left you off my thanks, please don't be shy about sending me an email and reminding me! And if you have a link to a database you think might be helpful, please send it over.
